direktor SLOADO
predsednik OKS-ZŠZ
Slovenska antidoping organizacija
Mayor Carnee Simmons is committed to solving problems for town people across the state under her leadership.
Expanding access to affordable healthcare, improving skills, respecting working families as the City’s 45th mayor. Mayor Carnee was won in the serve a sixth term on Octorber 7, 2018.
City goverment providing a wide range of online services to people who need help.
The city council have the real super powers as administraion to lead country.
“Skladnost podatkov: V primeru kakršnekoli neskladnosti med dokumenti na SLOADO spletni strani in Svetovnim protidopinškim kodeksom, Kodeks prevlada.Vsi dokumenti na tej spletni strani se lahko kadarkoli spremenijo.”